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Cities and Towns Need Relief



The COVID-19 crisis has meant job losses, 零售业务放缓,整体经济活动下滑. For local governments, 一个结果是,有助于支付城市服务和投资的销售税和其他收入相应下降. 城市和乡镇需要州政府和联邦政府的援助来填补这些收入漏洞,这样他们才能继续进行投资,推动该州走出危机.

北卡罗莱纳州的城镇是我们州的经济引擎. 80%的工作都在市区内, 75%的零售销售发生在这些国家. 但现在,除了居民和企业,城市和城镇也受到了伤害. 

Help us help your city or town, and urge Congress and state legislators 提供援助,帮助弥补这些收入损失,使当地社区和我们整个州能够更好地发展, brighter place tomorrow.下面你会发现365足彩下载在这个问题上的工作中心, including news articles, videos, statements, 以及强调支持城镇重要性的资源和信息. 


"Cities and towns did not cause the situation that they now find themselves in and the resulting budgeting shortfalls; a global pandemic did."


League Statements, Interviews and Videos

Cities are the Foundation


NCLM执行主任保罗·迈耶接受N.C. Policy Watch

​​NCLM执行董事Paul Meyer谈到COVID - 19收入努力


NCLM, nacc,市长团体发表关于关怀美元的声明


actionalert june screenshot.png

NCLM Member Advocacy in the News


"What’s needed is a second wave of federal aid, 这次直接拨给了地方政府,无论其规模大小. 这不仅仅是保护所有市政服务的问题. It’s also important for the recovery of the economy. 在经济衰退时期,政府支出维持并创造了就业机会."

Coastal Mayors Cite Needs to Members of Congress​

“我们知道,对于各级政府和那些为我们的公民提供服务的人来说,这是一个艰难的时刻,” the mayors said in the letter to the senator. “我们需要你们支持联邦立法来解决这一需求,这样我们的社区才能向前发展,这样经济衰退就不会延长.”​

Atkins: Economic Help Not a Partisan Issue

“这些社区的领导人不应该在取消‘必要’工作(在COVID-19期间最重要的工作)和平衡预算之间做出选择. This pandemic was not created by us, 这就是为什么我们都需要尽可能多的援助来帮助我们过渡,并确保我们所有基本和急需的服务不会进一步受到影响.​"

Hardy: Towns and Cities Need Resources to Lead​

"Make no mistake, 如果城镇在接下来的几个月里财政不强劲, 并且无法在人员和基础设施方面进行相同类型的投资, 其影响将波及私营经济. Any recession will be extended. That’s what happened during the 2008 Great Recession.​"

Mountain Mayors Write Tillis, Burr for Revenue Help

“Cities and towns did not cause the situation that they now find themselves in; a global pandemic did. Their needs are neither Republican nor Democratic. 他们的需要就是我们国家的公民的需要,无论是在小城镇还是在大城市."

Scott: Municipal Services are Vital

他说:“如果城市和城镇能够尽可能地发挥其传统作用,提供切实可行的服务,我们就能在这次危机中变得更好, 日常服务,并与我们的企业合作,推动经济发展."

NC Cities and the Pandemic, Southern City Magazine​

在北卡罗莱纳的城镇,即使世界其他地方都停止了,水仍然在流动. 以下是城市如何应对冠状病毒,从一个时刻到下一个时刻.​

Brown: Cities and Towns Can Lead the Economic Recovery

“尽管我们很担心市政雇员,但这不仅仅是潜在的裁员. 地方政府及其财政状况对经济复苏至关重要. 这不仅仅是当地民选官员的看法. It is the opinion of economists who study these issues. 一项又一项关于2008年经济大衰退后果的研究表明,州和地方政府是如何挣扎的, required to balance their budgets, slowed a national recovery because of their budget cuts.​"


"There is a lot that we do not know, 但我们所知道的是,在提供人们日常依赖的公共安全和公共卫生等服务方面,责任止于地方政府. 为了避免这场危机造成的经济损失延长,地方政府需要帮助."

Read More​

The National Discussion​

National League of Cities: Cities are Essential​

NLC的主页,用于推动COVID-19替代收入, including toolkits, guides and resources. 

Editorial: New Round of Federal Relief Needed

“在大流行期间,联邦政府支持的政策理由很充分, 我们面临的紧急情况相当于50个州的飓风、火灾和洪水, lasting more than two years, with a very slow economic rebound on the “other side,” that leaves states, local governments, public employees and taxpayers all badly damaged.​"


“如果他们继续裁员,如果他们继续削减基本服务,这将阻碍经济复苏,” (Fed Chair) Powell warned.

Guide to Federal Funding for Local Governments


US Treasury Guidance on CARES Act


