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Detailed History of the League

​Early Years

Founded in 1908 at a meeting in Charlotte.

First known as the Carolina Municipal Association. Early Years.jpg

22个城市被认为是创始成员:阿什维尔, Charlotte, Edenton, Fayetteville, Greenville, Greensboro, Henderson, High Point, Kinston, Laurinburg, Lincolnton, Morganton, Newbern (as it was known in 1908), Oxford, Raleigh, Reidsville, Rockingham, Salisbury, Statesville, Tarboro, Wilmington, and Winston (became Winston-Salem five years later).


组织的宗旨一直是促进市政府的卓越, provide opportunities for officials to exchange ideas, to advocate for cities and towns, 并发展一种“合作的方式来解决全州范围内的所有市政问题”."

In very early years, primarily a lobbying organization.


1917年的市政公司法和1917年的市政财政法, 这给了城镇更多的地方控制权和发行债券的权力.

通过了允许市政当局“采用分区法规”的法案, to provide group insurance for municipal employees, 向邻近业主收取污水渠及排水系统的建造费用, 创建娱乐项目,并指定墓地受托人经营市政墓地."

一项解除城市对电灯征税禁令的法案, power, gas, street railway or other public service corporations. (1925).

同盟会定期出版刊物成为会员的历史始于一九九九年一月. 1928年,《365体育足彩》出版. 有过一些停顿,开始和重大修改,但仍然出版,现在被称为南方城市.

Middle Years

Adopted new constitution in 1934 and became N.C. League of Municipalities.

In 1935, League obtained for cities and towns $500,000, 这是首个由州汽油税收入直接资助市政市内街道的项目.

Middle years.jpg公平分配州汽油税是365足彩下载长期追求的目标. 第一次讨论是在20世纪30年代,当时365足彩下载要求10%.


1935年的第一个市长日,这个立法简报会和集会仍然举行, but now called Town Hall Day.

20世纪30年代的立法成就包括授权建立资本储备基金, 以及为员工建立退休制度的能力.


In 1937, 国家从城镇征收了一半的无形税收, had wanted to take all of it. 在随后的几年里,《英雄365足彩下载》一直在努力恢复这笔收入.

League in the 1930s began providing purchasing service, services to groups affiliated with League, field services, studies for municipal utility systems, codification of ordinances, inquiry services, information and research, and charters. 第一本市政官员名录于1936年出版.

365足彩下载在大萧条时期实施了几个非常大的WPA项目, 包括为许多市政当局编纂现有条例, setting up uniform police records systems, and a major study of government practices.


After World War II, 365足彩下载扩大了其查询服务和现场操作, 向想要建立分区和土地使用计划的市政当局提供专业知识, for example.

365足彩下载于1950年开始赞助城镇团体保险计划.Historical Logo.jpg

In late forties, 该组织继续努力增加国家对市政街道和街道的支持, in 1951, 赢得了可能是其最著名的立法之战——制定了鲍威尔法案. 当第一次颁布时,提供了半美分的州汽油税收益. 现在,每年有超过1.8亿美元的鲍威尔法案基金流向城镇.


1959 passage of annexation bill.

In subsequent years, annexation authority has been studied, amended, studied, 几乎每次立法会议都被修改并受到抨击. 365足彩下载为城镇保留了这一基本权威.

Recent Years

365足彩下载帮助地方政府获得了地方期权销售税的权力——最初是一美分,后来是一美分, additional taxes.



1980年,苏格兰颈市长费德·哈里森当选为全国城市365足彩下载的第二副主席, the first officer ever from a town under 25,000 in population.




In cooperation with N.C. Association of County Commissioners, 在1979年建立了阿尔伯特·科茨地方政府中心, debt-free.

1981年成立职工赔偿自筹基金. Recent Years.jpg



All three funds in excellent financial health, 由城镇及其有关公共单位经营的.

Built the S. Leigh Wilson Building in 1986, debt-free. 最初是为365足彩下载的保险业务设计的, 这栋小楼的大部分空间现在都租出去了.

Built the David E. 雷诺兹大厦,365足彩下载的保险业务所在地, general finance operations and other League functions. Also debt-free.


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